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When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle) Page 10

  He added a second finger to the first, finger-fucking her expertly, his other hand moving back to caress her clit.

  Silver bucked and writhed; lost in the sensory overload of having one man manipulate her pussy with such precision, while another stroked her breasts and nibbled the back of her neck.

  "Please," she gasped, as Trevor began to move his fingers faster, "Please may I cum, Sir?"

  "Already?" Trev said, in mock surprise. "We've hardly even started yet."

  "Please..." His fingers were ruthless, keeping her relentlessly on the edge of orgasm.

  "What do you think? Should we let her?" he asked Travis.

  "Oh God, please, please..."

  "She sounds just as adorable as I imagined, begging in that accent," Trevor said. "And she's so very, very close... I can feel it..."

  "Please Sir, I'll do anything..." she begged.

  "Anything? I know you will, sweetheart. Because we intend to make you," Travis murmured in her ear, his hot breath stirring her hair.

  "No." Trevor calmly withdrew his hands. "Not yet. Not until you're wearing our collar." Silver groaned as he held up his fingers to show Travis. "Look at all this juice," he said. He licked his fingertip. "And she tastes as good as she looks."

  "Let me try," Travis said.

  Trevor obligingly smeared some of her cream across her mouth. When Travis bent his head and licked her own arousal from her lips, Silver thought her heart might stop beating. She opened her mouth, desperate for him to kiss her properly, but he pulled away. "You weren't wrong," he said to his twin. "She's delicious. Nuh-uh," he went on, addressing Silver, "you don't get a kiss until you're wearing that collar."

  "So, Silver girl," Trevor ran a hand up her thigh, "now we've all had the chance to get to know each other a little better, do you consent to wear our symbol of ownership until you leave the Castle?"

  She nodded, still trembling, her pussy aching to be touched again.

  "I didn't hear your answer."

  "Yes," she almost screamed. "Yes, I consent."

  "Even if we spend the next two days and nights keeping you on the brink of coming but not letting you?" Travis asked. "I am so very fond of edging."

  "I'm yours," she whispered.

  "Excellent." Trevor gently pushed her legs aside until they were dangling off the edge of the couch. "Get up and kneel on the floor, baby."

  Silver couldn't remember ever having felt so raw, vulnerable and aroused as she allowed Travis to help her to her feet. She wobbled as she stood up, and remembered that she was still wearing those accursed heels. But her shoes no longer mattered. The fact that she was naked and they were still wearing their suits no longer mattered. All that mattered, in fact, was pleasing these two men. She knelt down on the thick, shaggy white rug, her body assuming the old position automatically. Her thighs were spread, her hands lying palm-up on her knees, her head bowed.

  "Will you look at that, Trev," Travis said with a chuckle, "if I'm not mistaken, that's a Gorean slave position."

  "It's beautiful, is what it is," Trevor replied, lifting the chain and padlock from the box on the coffee table. "I must admit I can't imagine returning this particular purchase ahead of time. Do me a favor would you, and move her hair out of the way?"

  Silver remained perfectly still as Travis lifted her long platinum waves from her neck. The chain was cool against her skin, and she bit her lip as she heard the padlock clicking into place.

  "Perfect," she heard Trevor say. "You may get up now."

  Taking his extended hand, she rose unsteadily to her feet. "Now you really do belong to us," he added. Then he drew her towards him, grabbed a fistful of her hair to tilt her face to his, and covered her mouth with his own.

  Silver responded with alacrity, whimpering against his lips as his tongue laid claim to hers and he kissed her so hard she couldn't breathe.

  "My turn," said a voice, and then it was Travis's mouth crushing hers as his brother still held her in place with a fist in her hair.

  A loud bang made her jump, breaking the spell. "Sounds like the fireworks have started," Trevor said drily. "Shall we go and watch?"

  Silver looked around for her discarded dress but he put a hand on her arm.

  "We'll be able to see it from our window," Travis said.

  "Rule number two. Never, ever get dressed without our permission. We will no doubt be visiting the Wardrobe on occasion, but you will also be spending a great deal of your time with us completely and utterly naked. I like easy access," Trevor said, his eyes glittering.

  "Won't people be able to see me?" Silver asked, as the twins took each of her hands and led her to the enormous French windows which opened out to the courtyard.

  "I certainly hope so," Travis said. "Every man in the place will envy us."

  "And a few of the women as well," Trevor added.

  Silver stood between the two brothers at the window, watching the gorgeous bursts of colour light up the clear night sky. It was all so surreal—as she looked down at the courtyard, it felt as though it had been a different girl who had entered the Castle grounds so timidly that very morning.

  Trav's hand slipped down to cup her bottom, and her heart began to pound again. Her sex felt slick, still aching, and just the memory of what Trevor's fingers had felt like inside her made her tummy twist in knots of excitement.

  "I vote we have another cup of coffee after the fireworks," Travis suggested, giving her buttock a firm squeeze. "I don't think we'll be getting any sleep any time soon, and I'd hate for this one to pass out—unless it's from pain. Or pleasure. Or both."

  "I concur. But you can make them this time," Trevor replied, and Silver felt him take her hand. "You know how we like our coffee," he added, shooting his brother a look.

  "I do indeed." Travis slapped Silver's backside then, a quick, sharp smack which made her jump. "You might as well watch so you learn how to use the machine. Next round is on you."

  Chapter Five

  Having eaten nothing but a cheese sandwich all day, Silver was grateful for the second mug of spiked coffee. Her tummy was in knots and her loins were still hungry for something other than food.

  Once again, she was amazed at how easily the twins went from stern to ultra-laid-back—Trevor had even handed her a bathrobe to pull around her naked body while they sat around, drinking and making small-talk.

  She learned that they had come to the Castle via a slightly unusual route; they had been 'discovered' at their previous place of employment—stripping.

  "So were you always kinky, or did you only just realise it when you came here?" she asked.

  Travis glanced at his brother. "I think we always knew we had slightly different... ideas when it came to how we like our women," he said eventually. "But a single month here will give you more experience than a year on the outside." He grinned. "In fact, Trevor and I have discovered a few specialities of our own. Not that we get to explore them much."

  "We like to play on the slightly more extreme side," Trevor added, the dimple in his cheek flashing as he smiled evilly at her.

  "And most girls are scared of some of the things we really like to do," Travis continued.

  "With reason?" Silver glanced at each man in turn.

  Trevor chuckled. "Perhaps. You're gonna find out soon enough."

  "Speaking of which," Travis's voice was suddenly low and commanding, "if you've finished that coffee, I think it's high time you took that robe off."

  How can a simple change in his tone of voice reduce me to such a quivering mess of desire? she asked herself, as she set her cup down and slid the robe from her shoulders.

  "Jesus," Trevor breathed, "look at that body. I don't know what I want to do more, hurt her or fuck her."

  "I vote we do a bit of both," Travis added, his eyes locked on hers.

  Silver's breath hitched as she waited, her pulse racing.

  "I'll go get the toy bag," Trevor said, getting to his feet. "Maybe you can take her into one of the bedrooms
and make her a little more comfortable." He leaned in and whispered something in Trav's ear.

  "No problem," Travis said. Then, to Silver, "come along sweetheart. Let's get this party started."

  She stood, the robe falling to the floor. Wobbling on her heels, she followed Travis, feeling as though her heart was pounding between her legs.

  "You can take those shoes off now, baby," Trav said, as soon as she had reached the bedroom. "Welcome to my room."

  Silver slipped her shoes off gratefully, wiggling her bare toes in the thick, cream-coloured carpet. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the enormous four-poster bed which dominated the space. As in her own quarters, strategic hooks and eyelets were to be seen everywhere, and she forced herself to exhale.

  "Come sit here next to me, Silver girl." Travis perched on the edge of the bed and patted the covers beside him. Once she had sat down, he put a hand on her thigh. "We need to discuss something important before we begin," he said.

  "Okay," she said, taking in the serious look on his face.

  "We've seen your medical records. You're completely clean," he began. "Are you on any kind of birth control?"

  She held up her forearm. "I have this implant thingy in my arm."

  Trav smiled, his fingers tracing circles on her bare skin, making it hard for her to think straight. "Excellent," he said. "Now, we need you to know that we regularly get check-ups. And we always, always practice safe sex with guests."

  "That's very sensible of you." She smiled.

  "However, as I'm sure you're aware, it's a very different, more intimate thing without a rubber. And considering the unusual circumstances, and the things we intend to do to you, we would like to formally ask you whether you would consider letting us play with you without them. It's entirely up to you and we will respect your wishes. And you're more than welcome to check our most recent blood tests before you choose, in fact I think Trev's just getting the paperwork now, but I can guarantee you that we're both clean. We'd just like to... get as close to you as we can."

  Silver thought for a moment. She had always hated condoms; the feel of them, the interruption they provided during foreplay—all of it. "Okay," she said. "I'm fine with that. So long as you let me check the paperwork before we..." she flushed, "you know."

  "You are so adorable. How can a girl with hardly any limits be so shy?" Travis let his hand wander further up her thigh until his knuckles were grazing her clit. Silver gasped, subconsciously spreading her knees to grant him better access. "Say it," he went on. "Before we fuck you."

  "B-before you... f-fuck me," she whispered.

  "We're going to fuck you so hard you're gonna see stars," he went on, his voice reverberating in her ear.

  Silver whimpered, the feather-light touches of his knuckle on her swollen little nub driving her to distraction.

  "Did y'all have the talk?" Trevor entered the room, a huge black bag in one hand and some papers in the other.

  "We did. And you're gonna be delighted with the outcome," Travis told him, his hand returning to Silver's thigh. "She wants to double check first, though."

  "Very sensible. By all means. Here, sweetheart," Trevor gave her the copies of their most recent blood tests. "We're both as clean as newborn babies."

  She glanced at the numbers. "Then we have an agreement."

  "Good girl. Whew, this just turned into even more of a treat!" Trevor took the forms back off her, dropped them on a chest of drawers, and set about opening the bag. "How about you get her into position?" he addressed Travis.

  "Brace yourself Silver girl," Trav told her as he pulled her to her feet, "I have a feeling this is going to hurt you a lot more than it will us."

  She could feel the moisture drip down the inside of her thigh as she allowed him to move her into position, until she was bending over the back of the bed, resting her upper body on her elbows. Her nipples were like pebbles, and she could actually feel the blood rushing to her loins at his words.

  "Now close your eyes and relax," Travis went on. "Remember your safeword?"

  "Butterfly," she whispered.

  "Good. Say that and everything will stop. If, however, you feel as though we're going as hard as you can tolerate but you don't want to end the session, just use the standard traffic light system—yellow, okay?"

  "Yellow? You mean amber?"

  He chuckled. "That what you call it in your neck of the woods?"

  "Yes, Sir. Red for stop, amber for pull back a little, green for ooh I love this please give me more."

  "Okay. Yellow or amber, both are fine."

  "Thank you, Sir." Silver took a deep breath, her heart pounding.

  Travis moved to stand behind her, waiting for Trevor to join him. Together they crouched down to examine her, pulling her buttocks apart to inspect her most intimate places.

  "See what a gorgeous little pussy she has?" she heard Trev say.

  "It is delightful... so pink and juicy."

  Silver moaned as she felt an exploring finger slide inside her, and found herself gripping her elbows in a vain attempt to stop herself from trembling.

  "And that adorable little coffee bean," one of them went on, tracing her most intimate, private orifice with a fingertip.

  "Did I deliver or what?"

  "You certainly did, Trevor. Such inviting, tight little holes. Although, something tells me they're gonna be looking a little different by the time we're done with her."

  Silver let out a little gasp as a mixture of fear and lust made her sex clench.

  "Oh for sure. We're gonna have to stretch her good to make sure we can both fit in there."

  This isn't happening, this isn't happening, why the fuck am I so turned on when I'm so terrified? And why in the holy name of bananas did it not occur to me until just this minute that playing with two men would almost certainly entail DP? She held her breath as she felt them move around behind her.

  "Okay Silver girl," she heard someone—possibly Trev—say. "Rule number three. When we're playing with you, you will only address us respectfully. Master; only if you want to. Sir is good. Daddy is fine. Anything else is not. Got that?"

  "Y-yes, Sir."

  "And you will not cuss. You can cry, scream, wail, beg, whatever, but no naughty language."

  She grinned. "Not even Dickwad?"

  A hand came slapping down hard between her legs, making her jump and cry out at the sudden, unexpected pain. "Sorry, Sir."

  "You will be. There is a time for jest, and a time for respect. Be a smart mouth at your own peril. Got that?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "You'd better mind him," Travis—she assumed—added. "Trevor takes his play very seriously."


  "One more smart remark, and believe me, you'll regret it," Trevor growled. "Now, are you ready? Don't forget to breathe."

  "Ready as I'll ever be, Sir." Silver took another deep breath as she heard both of them move around again.

  "Let's see what our little Silver girl loves to hate," Trevor said.

  "Please start slowly, I'm awfully out of practice," she heard herself plead.

  "Now now, what did I tell you? You're here for our pleasure, not for your own. Don't you trust us to know how far we can take you?"

  "I-I suppose I do."

  "You feel that around your neck?" Travis spoke up. "That's a symbol not only of our ownership of you, Silver girl, but also of your trust in us. Got it?"

  "Yes, got it. Thank you." Her heart in her mouth, Silver held her breath and waited.

  "Stop clenching your butt. I've got fresh ginger in the fridge and can assure you I will use it if I have to remind you again."

  With a whispered apology, Silver forced herself to relax her body.

  After an interminable wait, something thick and heavy thwacked deliciously across her bottom. "Mmm," she moaned.

  "You like that?" Without waiting for her to respond, she felt it land again, much harder this time.

  "Yum. Very much."

you guess what it is?"

  "Some type of flogger?"

  "Very good." THWACK! The strands of leather thudded against her bare flesh, wrapping tantalisingly around the curve of her hip.

  Silver buried her face in her forearms and allowed the sensations to flow through her body, surprised at how easy it was to fall back into that heady bliss which only receiving physical pain could deliver. Rosa was right, she thought suddenly. It's just like riding a bike...

  * * * * *

  Trevor tossed the flogger aside and went to retrieve something else.

  In the meantime, his brother was caressing Silver's butt; soothing the pale flesh.

  She was barely even pink.

  A part of him had wanted to start full-force, that ruthless inner sadist he was so rarely able to indulge, but it was too soon—and they still had plenty of time. Better to start slow and find out exactly what their new little toy liked... and, more importantly, what she didn't.

  Selecting a thick leather strap, he once again took his place to her left, shooting Trav a glance to let him know he was ready to continue. "Feel free to get the next one," he said, winking at his twin. "Otherwise we'll be here all night."

  WHAP! The strap bit into Silver's delightfully round ass, hard, and she let out a little cry of surprise. "That's more like it," Trevor said. "You were enjoying my moose hide flogger far too much. Can you guess what this one is?" He gave her another, harder stroke, enjoying the way she wiggled her hips and hissed.

  "A s-strap?"

  "A strap what?"

  "A strap, Sir."

  "Stingy sonofabitch, ain't it?" He lit into her with the thick leather again, relishing the wide, scarlet stripe the implement painted across her hiney.

  "Y-yes, Sir."

  Trevor stood back and watched as his brother carefully took aim with a riding crop.

  "My turn, Silver girl," Travis said, with a grin. A second later, the crop cracked across both her buttocks, the wicked leather tip landing squarely on her left cheek. "If you can guess what this is, I might just let you suck my dick later."